It isn’t easy to summarize a festival experience for the uninitiated. The diverse musical highs, the camping, the crashing, the culture of drugs…

These weekend excursions are not simply good or bad; instead, success is more often gauged by survival and overall “epicness”. The Mumford and Sons-curated “Gentlemen of the Road” series is a unique vision on the festival landscape: a modestly-sized, two-day traveling road-show that endeavors to integrate with the hosting communities and infuse the local scene with energy, culture, and cash. Their first summer stopover was at historic Seaside Heights, NJ, so I packed a tent, a toothbrush, and headed down to the boardwalk with intrepid photographer Mackenzie Greer.

It was fog and rain for day one, with blue skies for the remainder of the stopover.

I’ll let the photos tell the rest of the story.