In support of his newest album Best Summer Ever, Har Mar Superstar’s Sean Matthew Tillmann brought out the funk rattle and roll for his Chicago show at the Bottom Lounge. Sean emerged drenched in geometric patterned tights and clad in a bomber jacket with a Miller Lite in hand, swinging back and forth like a manic metronome. The crowd waited anxiously to see the man- a sex symbol of unrivaled appeal in some circles- belt his heart out. The crowd quickly became mesmerized as Har Mar Superstar bounced and boogied while encompassing the entire stage and everyone’s attention. The energy in the packed venue lasted all evening, with faces of satisfaction and amazement left posterized across the crowd when the speaker cables were rolled up and the lights slowly flickered back on.


Sean Matthew Tillman’s energy and musical genius is impressive, but is admittedly overshadowed by the salacious auto-objectification of his own sensuality. While it is above this paper to slut-shame any artist, we’d simply like to remind Tillmann that he need not rely so heavily on the cheap thrills of obvious sex appeal when his music is so, so outrageously great. 

Check out this playlist aptly titled ” Get To Know Har Mar” if you’d like to, you know, get to know Har Mar:




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