Yes, the legal drinking age in Spain is the same for both residents and tourists – 18 years old. As the capital city, Madrid sets its own tone for legal drinking age and regulations. Ibiza, synonymous with electrifying nightlife, has no special exceptions either regarding the legal age for alcohol consumption. The legal drinking age in Majorca is also 18, aligning with the mainland’s regulations.

  • However, for ex-pats and locals alike, an array of rehab options exist to cater to each budget [7].
  • Detoxing from heroin or other opioids is another process that often requires medication.
  • We offer a free and comprehensive assessment to ensure your needs are best met throughout the process.
  • Indeed, there has been a noticeable shift in drinking habits in recent decades.

According to the World Health Organization, Spain ranks as one of the top countries in the world for alcohol consumption per capita. The alcoholism rate in Spain is estimated to be around 7.4%, with men being more affected than women. This high rate of alcoholism has been a growing concern for public health officials Understanding Powerlessness and Acceptance in Early Recovery in Spain, leading to increased awareness and efforts to combat the issue. An informed minority opinion, especially among sociologists, believes that the medicalization of alcoholism is an error. Unlike most disease symptoms, the loss of control over drinking does not hold true at all times or in all situations.

Police welcome plans to update drug driving laws

People aren’t getting rip-roaring drunk on these occasions so it’s not seen as unprofessional, it’s just a social opportunity and a time to decompress from whatever is going on at work or home. The country is famous for its bars, taverns, and Terrazas and enjoys countless festivals that make underage drinking very common but still frowned upon. An intervention can motivate an addicted person to seek professional help or accept the treatment offered at a drug and alcohol rehab in Spain.

alcoholism in spain

Firstly, it’s common to accompany drinks with tapas, small and flavorful snacks, often provided complimentary with your order. To appreciate the festivities responsibly, it’s essential to grasp the regulations governing alcohol consumption in Spain. So, I want my readers to be informed travelers and enjoy this spirited journey, exploring not only the legalities but also the popular drinks that define the Spanish experience. Women in Denmark, Luxembourg, Germany and Ireland displayed the highest rates of heavy episodic drinking, which was above 20 per cent. Rather than the amount, the proportion of heavy episodic drinkers is surveyed. Many European countries have implemented a range of policies to limit alcohol consumption, such as taxation, restrictions on alcohol availability and bans on alcohol advertising.

Alcohol consumption

Similar to other parts of the world, people in Spain are switching to sugar-free soft drinks due to the many studies linking sugar intake to increased risk of illness, such as obesity and hypertension. As a result, sugar-free cola has overtaken regular cola in terms of household consumption. The report notes that harm caused by alcohol products is directly linked to alcohol consumption. All of this means that the social act of drinking is more sustainable in the sense that you are less likely to overdo on alcohol because you are regularly putting food into your stomach as well.

From the trendy beach clubs to the historic taverns in the Gothic Quarter, Barcelona provides an eclectic drinking experience for those of legal age. Spain, like many countries, has a legal age for purchasing and consuming alcoholic beverages. On average, 12.5 per cent of people with less than upper secondary education reported heavy episodic drinking, compared to 20 per cent or more of people with at least upper secondary (22.3 per cent) or tertiary education (20.2 per cent). In all countries, men were more likely than women to report heavy episodic drinking. In 2019, on average across the EU countries, 26.6 per cent of men reported heavy episodic drinking at least once a month compared to 11.4 per cent of women.

Popular soft drinks

The enchanting island of Majorca introduces its own set of rules regarding the legal drinking age. As a tourist, it is even more important to note that the legal drinking age in Barcelona is 18, and there are no specific exemptions for certain events or districts. Barcelona, a city known for its architectural marvels and lively atmosphere, has its own nuances when it comes to the legal drinking age. The country has a comprehensive set of drinking laws that cover everything from purchasing alcohol to public intoxication. Navigating through this regulatory framework ensures not only compliance but also a more enjoyable and stress-free experience. Immersing yourself in Spain’s drinking culture involves indulging in a variety of traditional and popular drinks.

  • Adverse mental symptoms are another feature of withdrawal, ranging from psychosis, depression, and suicidal thoughts, to anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and panic attacks.
  • Alcohol consumption in the EU has declined by 0.5 litres between 2010 and 2020.
  • The risk factors for alcoholism in Spain include genetic predisposition, environmental influences, early initiation of alcohol consumption, and co-occurring mental health disorders.

That doesn’t mean that teenagers don’t drink irresponsibly in Spain, it just means that from what we have seen, it is less destructive and more casual than what we saw back home. On the contrary, the drinking culture here in Spain is simply different than in the US and we want to dive into it a bit so you can better understand why. Spain has clear laws on this subject and a quick look at official statistics would show that teenagers start to drink alcohol at about 13 or 14 years of age. Culturally, the drinking age seems to be much more permissive than actual laws. Because freeing your body from alcohol or drugs can cause physical and psychological pain [6], receiving residential care is vital. This way, side effects such as vomiting, fever, tremors, and even seizures can be prevented and medically managed.